Chairwoman of FlexCareers, Rhonda Brighton-Hall, recently shared her top tips on how to negotiate flexibility at our recent FlexConnect event. Flexible working is not a privilege of working parents but for now, without it, many talented women will continue to be forced to stay out of the workforce. Flexibility is the way of the future for all, even violin enthusiasts!
Flexible Working
How Business Owners Can Embrace Flexibility
How do we really get flexibility rolling?
Australian working mothers cry out for flexible working arrangements
Research conducted by FlexCareers reveals that workplace discrimination is rife in today’s businesses and is creating an often untold burden for women at a time of their lives when they should be celebrating motherhood, rather than battling for their rights to either work or take time off to settle into this phase of their life.
In this season of giving, make sure you also give some time to yourself.
When life is busy, the easiest thing to give up is time for yourself. This holiday season, as you give gifts to others, also find the time to do something for yourself that you enjoy.
Why I joined FlexCareers
What FlexCareers is going to attempt to do – to change the way careers work – is SOO very overdue that I am pleased to be able to roll up my sleeves and help get it done!