As the Communications Adviser for Medibank’s Garrison Health Services and a mum of three primary school aged daughters, Jennifer Ramsay explains why FlexBetter means a lot to her. I joined Medibank just over 12 months ago and it’s the small adjustments FlexBetter makes possible that help me to meet and manage the demands of family…
FlexCareers Survey: Pregnancy, Parental Leave & Return to Work – what can we do better?
Do Australian employers do enough to support working parents? To what extent is bullying and discrimination an issue in our workplaces? Take 2 minutes to have your say and make a difference!!
Health Check: can stress during pregnancy harm my baby?
Women are vigilant about avoiding alcohol and smoking during pregnancy, but what about stress? Most pregnant women are aware of the advice to quit smoking, avoid alcohol, and wholeheartedly fear soft cheese in all its forms, but we hear very little official public health advice about stress during pregnancy. Yet we know that high stress…
Medibank’s FlexBetter program supports employees to reshape their lives into one that works for them
“I love seeing how FlexBetter improves my work day, as well as my teams. We have a mutual understanding and respect that we each have our own unique ways of connecting our work deliverables and lives outside of work, to deliver quality results.” Learn more about Medibank’s FlexBetter program and how it benefits staff both outside, and inside work.
Jonathan embraces Medibank’s flexibility to be the best dad he can be
Parenthood is easy and hard, fun and challenging, and has many highs and lows but most importantly, it is about spending time with your children and raising them in a happy and loving environment. Medibank’s Training & Facilitation Manager and father of one, Jonathan Millen understands the importance of a flexible workplace in being able…
Getting Paid to Dad – surviving & thriving on 4 months paternity leave
I have just finished 15 weeks of full paid parental leave. Yesterday, I returned to work. My employer, PwC Australia gave me the opportunity to stay at home for over 3 months to look after my 6-9 month old son as my wife returned to part-time work, whilst I remained on full pay. I started out thinking of…
Insights that come while watching my kids play
Good things come when professional women are given the opportunity and structured support to balance their family and work commitments.
Ecosystem of choices: uniting parenthood and career progression
As we head towards the opening of applications for Deloitte’s Return to Work program at the end of February, here is a bit more information on what it’s really like to work flexibly for Deloitte
‘Bad parenting’ and ‘women’s luxuries’ – is that what you call it now?
Like many of you, I have a family and I have a career. The two are integral to my self-identity and I have learned lessons as a parent that no amount of time in the office could possibly have taught me.
Wholeness through mindfulness: #ownyourfuture
Follow these three simple steps, which if practiced daily will reap life changing benefits, reducing anxiety and stress and increasing your wellbeing.
Dear CEOs – Stop Firing Pregnant Women
Enough is enough – let’s make 2017 the year that pregnant women stop getting fired! FlexCareers Chairwoman Rhonda Brighton-Halls open letter to Australian CEO’s and some sobering facts you should know.
Domestic Warrior: CEO to stay-at-home dad
As FlexCommunity member Amy shares, promoting gender equality should be less about implementing strategies to directly enable women to take on more in the workplace, and more about encouraging and incentivising men to take on more in the home.
All I want for Mothers Day – A letter to my children
Take the guess work out of Mother’s Day and print this letter for your children. Happy Mother’s Day!
Eek! – My wife is going back to work full time!
A partner’s guide to returning to work after an extended mat leave.
This is for the husbands, the partners, the fathers out there.
The journey from motherhood to working mum
Regardless of the challenges that motherhood or being a working mum has thrown at me, I feel more empowered than ever. It’s the feeling of accomplishment. I am a working mother who is devoted to her children but is also passionate about building her career. I have FlexCareers to thank for that.
Working Parent Meal Planner
My first week back in the office after a 4 year maternity break was the same week I forgot to do the grocery shopping.
So we want an Au Pair – What Next?
Finding an Au Pair can seem a little daunting if you have not done it before, as there are many different options available to you. It can take a few weeks to go through the process, find someone you like, handle reference checks and Skype sessions before you decide.
How Can an Au Pair Help Working Families?
Everyone loves to talk about work/life balance, however this is rarely a situation achieved by most working mums and dads. Work, school, extra-curricular activities and more family goings-on make it seem like we are pulled in all directions and never obtain that precious balance in our lives