As mothers, we are given many things on Mother’s Day – some we can’t stomach like raw egg on bread! We are given cards, posters, “best mum ever” mugs. massages and facials. But is it what we really want deep down?
What could the Federal Budget offer to better support working parents and families?
The AFR asked our Co-Founder Joel McInnes, what we’d like to see in the budget this year. We could have talked about ways to incentivise start-ups (like us!) and their employees, but really what matters most to us, is our community. Find out what FlexCareers thinks the Government do to better support working parents and families…
An open letter to recruiters and hiring managers, from some hardworking professional women who also happen to be mothers.
Thank you to Lianne Baker for sharing her open letter to Hiring Managers and Recruiters with our community. Experienced senior HR leader Lianne captures beautifully the vulnerability all new mothers feel when trying to return to work, and has some sage advice for employers.
Nestle increases paid parental leave provisions to further support parents and families.
Businesses around Australia are supporting working parents through targeted strategies that can reduce business costs related to recruitment, retraining and restructures, widen the talent pool, increase organisational productivity and performance and improve organisational reputation. In the Australian jobs market today, approx. 4.1 million (38.2%) employees are either parents of a child under 15 years or have caring…
ANZ Bank New Zealand increases paid parental leave to 26 weeks!
In a move celebrated as creating one of the most generous parental leave entitlements amongst New Zealand’s large employers, staff at FlexCareers employer partner ANZ will be able to access 26 weeks paid leave at their usual salary, plus an additional 2 weeks family leave, offering 28 weeks leave at their full salary.
School is back – how are you coping?
Despite the seemingly endless school holidays, the first week of school has arrived with a bang and a feeling on unpreparedness! Emma McEnery shares some useful hints and tips to help your kids, and you, get Back to School and keep on track.
Working Parents – Without great support networks, we could never get the job done!
I admit I have asked myself ‘Why?’. As in ‘Why did I decide to have kids?’. I love them to bits but let’s face it, parenting is hard. And it can be even harder when you don’t have any, or little, extended support around you. In this piece, Natasha of CP Balance HR reminds us of the importance of those small moments friends and family can step in to make it a little easier.
Simplifying the Nutrition Minefield
We continually push ourselves to achieve in more in our career, family life and sports. Yet, when it comes to giving our bodies the energy they need to help us smash those goals, we often fall woefully short. Alicia Edge, founder of Compeat Nutrition, shares her top tips on fuelling our bodies to maximise performance.
Horses For Courses – My Return to Work Story
Is there a perfect recipe for success or do we just need to follow our hearts and give it a go? FlexCareers community member Betsy shares her Return to Work story.
Returning To Work – 5 Things You Can Do To Support Your Partner
FlexCareers Co-Founder Joel McInnes has helped hundreds of women return to work. But how did his perception change when his wife went through the process after an 8-year career break?
New baby, breastfeeding and returning to work as an apprentice in a new industry? No problem for this mum of three!
Mum of three Karina Kiley was pregnant with her daughter when she saw that FlexCareers employer partner Essential Energy was hiring for apprentice power-line workers. Heavily pregnant, Karina didn’t expect to get an interview, let alone be offered the job – find out how she has got on.
Medibank’s FlexBetter program supports employees during times of need
Medibank continues to make headlines for all the right reasons and this story is another great example of how Medibank is enabling employees to live life to the fullest whilst pursuing a career.
Challenging the Parental Leave Stereotype
FlexCareers employer partner Lendlease is challenging stereotypes, by actively promoting parental leave to men within the business, and having real and authentic conversations about the benefits it can have for families, and for the business.
Flexibility to pursue your passions
FlexCareers employer partner Lendlease work hard to ensure that every employee has the opportunity to live their best life, by providing a flexible and supportive working environment. We hear from Sarah, Digital Procurement Lead for the Lendlease Property Business, on what flexible working allows her to achieve – and it’s pretty impressive!
School Term Employment – Your Questions Answered!
Get the lowdown on Australia’s first school term employment program. Spoiler alert – you absolutely get every school holiday off work!
Looking for Part-time Work can be challenging
For many people, working part time is something that they choose to do in order to achieve work life balance, and manage priorities other than their career. It could be because you’re a new parent, or you’re finding that your older children would benefit from a little more of your time. Your partner could be…
This is why Flexibility and Work should never stop
Flexibility – No doubt as a parent to young children; flexible working arrangements to allow for child care, pick-ups, sick days and school holidays are essential. The question is when do flexible working arrangements, in particular, for parents, cease to be essential? Well, as a parent to 3 adults and seemingly out the other side…
Origin creates family-friendly workplace for fathers
Although Father’s Day has passed, Origin continues to encourage new fathers to play a more active role in the first 12 months of their child’s life. “As part of creating a family-friendly workplace, we want to enable all parents at Origin to be primary caregivers and take the time as needed to be part of…
To influence change, working flexibly is something we need to commit to every day
Being able to adjust your work hours based on your personal life is something many people can only dream of. Medibank and ahm employees are some of the lucky ones who have the opportunity to move their day around when they need. With the FlexBetter suite, individuals are able to alter their start and finish times or…
Origin is the first energy company in Australia to provide breastfeeding facilities at remote and regional sites.
Returning to work after maternity leave is a stressful, and often emotional, time. It’s a whirlwind of planning and preparing, finding childcare, reconnecting with your professional self and working out our your family’s new schedule. And for many, the critical issue remains – how am I going to feed my baby? As part of our…